Noah’s First Thanksgiving

Noah’s first Thanksgiving was great! He was a little overwhelmed with all the attention and people to begin with, but he soon adjusted to everything going on around him.

First, on Wednesday, my mom and I made the pies. We made an apple pie and pumpkin pie and they turned out to be delicious! But, we had a few mishaps with the pumpkin pie. We began with the pie crusts for both the pumpkin and apple pies. The pumpkin needed to be refrigerated for 45 minutes, so we started with that first. Once that was in the fridge we started on the apple pie. We decided to make two apple pies; one with dairy, and one without. We decided to make a fold over pie this year, which turned out to be much easier and less time consuming than a typical apple pie.

Then we ate lunch before starting on the pumpkin pie. We rolled out the pie crust and put it in the over to par-bake it for 10 minutes. We chose not set the timer because we figured we’d be in around the stove. While waiting on the crust to par-bake, we mixed pumpkin filling. Then, for some reason, we began talking about cleaning the house, and got started cleaning different areas of the house. Well, about 40 minutes later, we smell something burning. We both looked at each other and ran to the kitchen. The crust was completely burnt. We’d forgotten all about the crust! After laughing about it, we decided to make another crust but we didn’t want to put it in the fridge because it would take too long. We made the crust, rolled it out, put it in the pan, and baked it for 10 minutes. We made sure to set the timer this time! But when we took out the crust one side had slide down and badly had a crust along the edge and the other side had a huge bubble. We decided it would be good enough, so we put the filling in and baked it. When we took out the pie, half was burnt because the crust had slid down, but half of it looked great! By then we were over baking pies, we called it good!


On Thanksgiving, we had my parents, grandma, brother and his girlfriend and a family friend over! It was great to be with everyone for the day. Anthony made the turkey and the mashed potatoes and my grandma and mom did the rest! Everything was delicious!



The best part was during the meal. Noah was sitting in Anthony’s lap while he was eating. Anthony saw a few cranberries on the ground and thought he’d dropped them. He asked me to pick them up when I went over to him I saw some on chair, on the floor, and suddenly we realized Noah had picked the cranberries off of Anthony’s plate! He had tried to get the cranberries into his mouth but dropped them. He did get cranberry sauce all over his mouth! It was hilarious!


After that we realized he might be getting hungry and we gave him some rice cereal! This was the second day we’ve given him the rice cereal and he LOVES it! He tries to shove the spoon into his mouth. It’s so cute!


Finally, Noah was looking tired so we put his jammies on and said good night to everyone.
