Noah Month 6



This month has been the movement month!! It’s so fun, watching Noah accomplish milestones. This month he has gone from rolling around the living room, to army crawling, to crawling on his hands and knees, and now he’s even pulling himself up onto furniture. I’m excited to see how long it takes him to walk!

Even though I love the movement, I also am very tired! Chasing around a little one can be exhausting! I used to be able to workout with him on the floor playing with toys, but now I can’t accomplish this since he doesn’t stay in one place for long.

-Sleep: ah sleep…yep still not happening! I wrote a post on my experience with sleep training fails! He is waking up quite a few times throughout the night and doesn’t like to sleep in his crib (day or night). I’m not too sure what our next game plan is for tackling sleep issues, but I’m exhausted. It’s hard not being able to get any time with him in his crib. He used to sleep in his crib for naps throughout the day more often but recently it’s not at all. When I put him in there, he’ll some times wake up right away, or he’ll sleep for 5-10 minutes then wake up. We also had to lower his mattress since he can pull himself up. We didn’t want him falling out!

-Eating: this boy loves to eat! He will eat pretty much anything we give him! I cut up some bananas slices and put it on his tray but he couldn’t pick them up. So I put them into the mesh feeder and he loved it! This allows him to feed himself without making a gigantic mess.

-Talking: I love sweet little baby noises! Noah is constantly making noise and talking to us! I keep telling him that I’m his mama when he says “mama”. While he can say “mama” it is not any relation to me, yet.

-Laughing: Oh how I love his little baby laugh! He used to laugh a little bit if we tickled his tummy but now he’s laughing much more. Malakhai and I were playing with a toy while Noah was in his jumper, and he loved watching us play! He got a huge belly laugh!

-In the last week of month 6 for Noah he started bopping to music. It is adorable!!!! At first I thought it was just a fluke, but he did it the next time we played music! I love seeing his little personality come through (can you tell I love him, just a little bit).

Things he is loving this month:

  • Eating
  • Crawling
  • Malakahi (Even though Malakhai doesn’t feel the same way)
  • Musical instruments (We have bongo drums and a music chair that he’s been loving this month.)
  • Feeling different textures (He scratches at everything. He has to check out the feel and then he decides if he likes the item)
  • Standing up


  • Putting on clothes
  • Changing his diaper
  • His crib
  • Waiting for his food to heat up






Sorry, I slacked on his monthly posts lately! Noah is currently 8 months old! I’ll be sure to post his 7 month update soon!


DIY Easter Egg Maraca’s

Today, I have an easy DIY project for you! I used to make these for my students when I taught preschool. They are so much fun and the best part is they can be used any time of the year.

You’ll need to purchase one bag of plastic Easter eggs (any color and size). Then look around your house for small objects to put inside the eggs.

Ideas of what to put into eggs:




-Popcorn kernels




-Any small non-pershishable item

After you’ve filled the eggs, make sure to tape the eggs shut. This is very important because if your child gets into the egg, the items inside could be choking hazards.




Once you’ve taped them shut, you’re ready to rock out! You can use the maracas when dancing to music or make your own music! I love that they are easily customizable because you can put little items of what you have around the house.

Have fun!!


*Never leave your child alone with these maracas. The items inside could be choking hazards.

Sleep Training Fails!

As I have mentioned before Noah has decided he doesn’t like to sleep, EVER. He’s especially not sleeping in his crib. We can set him down in his crib ever so gently and BAM! just like that he wakes himself up. I don’t know how he does it! Why is getting a baby to sleep so hard?!

20150210_132041 (This is proof he can sleep in his crib, just chooses not to!)

Our usual bedtime routine is giving Noah a bath around 6:30. Afterwards we either play downstairs for a while or if he’s tired we go into our bedroom (his crib is in our room for now) and read a few stories while playing soft music. We dim the lights and read in a low voice to let him know it’s time for sleep. Then I usually nurse him to sleep. Which had been working for us, but as of lately Noah has been needing me to get him back to sleep throughout the night. I think it’s because I’ve been nursing him to sleep and he associates nursing with falling asleep. So after many sleepless nights Anthony and I decided we had to sleep train. But, I was really nervous about it. I feel like nursing him to sleep is such a special time for just him and I. Plus that’s the only time I can get some cuddles in J. I researched different methods online and found that I really did not want to try the cry it out method. It seems so cruel and as my friend put it: if we can make them happy why not, we know what they need and crying it out seems so mean.

I found a method called the Pick –Up (PU) /Put-Down (PD) Method. Where you place the baby in the crib while they are drowsy but not asleep. When they start to cry you pick them up for 30 seconds max to reassure them. Then when the stop crying you put them down. That seemed logical to me. This way there was minimal crying and he could learn to fall asleep on his own. Perfect—I thought!

Finally, I decided to try it after weeks of putting it off and not really wanting my cuddle time to end. Noah and I started our system of PU and PD, but he figured it out! As SOON as I would pick him up off of his mattress he would stop crying. Then when I’d put him down again he’d start crying once more. He knew if he cried that I would pick him up. I tried for an hour and a half of this method. NO GOOD. He cried and cried and was at that point not going to fall asleep on his own. I stopped for the day and decided to try again the next. I did and the same thing happened. He would not fall asleep by himself. FAIL!

I decided to take a break from sleep training and research different methods. Finally I found an in-between the PU and PD Method and crying it out. The Book is called Sleep Easy. The routine is to put baby in the crib awake and you tell them goodnight and give them a kiss and then you leave the room for 5 minutes. When you return you do not touch baby you just reassure them. You only stay for 30 minutes at max and then leave. But this time you leave for 10 minutes. Then repeat the routine. Next for 15 minutes and then 20 minutes thereafter until baby falls asleep. Okay, I thought I can do this, right?! We had the plan for about two or three weeks before I finally said okay lets try. But when the time came I just couldn’t do it! I don’t want to make my baby cry! So my mom suggested a system that she did with me when I was Noah’s age. You sit next the crib and reassure baby while they try to fall asleep. It is a cry it out method but at least your next to the baby and reassure them that everything is okay. I tried it first thing in the morning. My heart broke hearing him cry. I felt like an awful mother. Who lets their baby cry like this?? It took him 40 minutes to fall asleep and he slept for an hour! Then the next nap came around and he cried for 45 minutes and slept for 50 minutes. Then the last nap, he cried for an hour and would not fall asleep. I couldn’t take it anymore and I picked him up and nursed him to sleep.

Then bedtime rolled around. I was giving myself pep-talks to prepare for more crying. So we do our normal bedtime routine except when he was done nursing I put him in the crib. I closed my eyes as I placed him in there bracing myself for the crying to begin. But to my surprise he rolled over and went right to sleep! Could this really be? Did he just fall asleep on his own?! He slept for an hour and then woke up. I took that as a small victory. I nursed him and again set him in the crib. He cried for 20 minutes and fell asleep. This time he only slept for 15 minutes before waking again. Once again I nursed him and then put him in his crib but this time his crying was different. It was an upset cry. It was a whole body shaking, lungs fully screaming bloody murder kind of cry. I tried to reassure him over his loud shrieks. My own eyes tearing up from guilt. You can do this, I kept saying to myself. He cried for an hour and half like this. I cried right along with him. It. Was. Awful.

Anthony had slept down on the couch because he had to go to work the next day. After the hour and a half I came down to him crying. I couldn’t take it anymore. I asked him what I should do. He said it was okay to take him out. He HAD fallen asleep by himself a few times throughout the day. That in itself was great! But I felt like an awful human being. Who lets their precious little six-month-old baby cry like that? I tossed and turned the rest of the night. Noah slept with us for the rest of the night. I couldn’t let him go…I was a bad mom.

The next day, I got up (sleep deprived) and almost cried at the thought of trying again to get him to sleep on his own. But I knew I had to. Right? This was the right thing to do, wasn’t it?? Yes, yes, I thought. The first nap came around and I almost cried putting him in his crib. What a mean mom I am. He started crying right away. The same cry as the night before (Whole body cries). Again, I cried with him. I only last 45 minutes. I couldn’t take it any more. The next nap I only let him cry for 15 minutes before I took him out and nursed him to sleep. I felt deep down in my core that this was not the right thing to do. This was not how I should be doing this. When Anthony got home that night I burst into tears. I know that he needs to sleep more at night and I know that Noah should be sleeping more in his crib. But this just wasn’t working. Luckily, I’m married to the greatest guy in the world. He told me it’s okay that we can try again later and that if it’s not right, it’s not right. So there you have it- yet another sleep training FAIL!

I have no idea what our next step will be. But I do know that this wasn’t the right way for our family. Sleep training is hard. There is no good way to do it. It seems like babies should sleep more, but the fact is maybe they need us during the night. I mean, he is only 6 months old! So for now I take the sleepless nights and hold my baby a little tighter knowing that I’m a good mom.
