Favorite Products During Month 2

The following are some products that I’ve used a lot during the second month with Noah!

  • Swing– The swing we have plays music, has multiple speed settings, and also vibrates. Noah does not like going very fast on his swing, but we use it daily. I’ll put him in the swing while I shower and get ready for the day, or sometimes while I cook. Also, there have been a few nights were he did not want to go to sleep, so I put him in the swing for a few minutes and it calmed him down enough to finally go to sleep!
Fisher Price SpaceSaver Swing and Seat - Rainforest Friends
  • Books– Can you tell yet that I love reading? As I’ve mentioned before, I have a ton of books from teaching preschool and it was so much fun to buy all the books. I bought them at yard sales and Arc or Goodwill to save money! I hope to pass on my love of reading to Noah!


  • K’Tan– I didn’t use any carriers until Noah’s neck was a little bit more steady. He was about ten weeks old when I started to use it, but now that I’ve started, I love it! I can get things done around the house while taking him with me. Plus, there are days when he doesn’t want to be put down and this allows me to get a few things done without leaving him. (Plus, I love being close to him!)


  • Fan– There are two types of fans that I’ve loved this month. First, a free standing fan like this one. This allowed us to have white noise that helped Noah get to sleep much quicker and he’ll sleep longer when the fan is on. We tried not having it on, but he got up throughout the night more often. Then, there is the ceiling fan that Noah has loved this month. He can stare at the moving fan for a long time, talking to it and making high-pitched noises. It’s so cute to watch!


  • Tummy time blanket– I like this one because it is bigger then the typical tummy time blanket that you usually see. This one has different textures placed on different animals that Noah can play with. I also liked it because on its edges it has loops that you can attach your own toys to. This will later help babies to encourage them to crawl to their toys.
