Month 4


Noah has made some incredible gains this month! It has been amazing to watch.

– First, Noah found his feet. He likes to stuff them into his mouth. It took him a while to get his toes all the way in his mouth. I would say it took a couple weeks of pulling at his feet before they ever found his mouth. But now that he’s found them, that’s all he wants to do!

– He has been talking more and more. He is still cooing, but now we hear much more babbling. He has also found out that he can scream a high pitch noise. It freaked Anthony and I out the first time he did it. We thought something was wrong, but he had a gigantic smile on his face while screaming. Ha!

– He has begun to roll! He looks like a roly-poly. It’s pretty cute and exciting that he can move a little bit more. He prefers to roll from his back to his stomach. He can roll from his stomach to his back, but the motion scares him, I think it’s because it is a pretty quick motion. He’s also getting frustrated that he can’t move more. He will see something in his view that he wants and starts to reach for it. If he can’t reach it, he starts to panic and wiggles trying to get to it.

– This month we also heard the best sound a mom can hear, a baby giggle! It is the best and cutest sound I have ever heard. I love hearing his giggle and seeing that gummy smile!

– The biggest accomplishment this past month was introducing rice cereal into his diet, and let me tell you, this kid LOVES his rice cereal! He literally shoves the spoon into his mouth trying to get more! I started with one teaspoon of rice cereal and one tablespoon of breast milk once per day. But I quickly realized that he wanted more, so I bumped him up to twice per day.


– Sleep has been hit or miss this past month. Mostly miss! He was doing great last month, but lately he’s been getting up every couple of hours. Boo! I’m hoping it’s just a phase and he’ll return to five to six hour stretches soon!

– I think he’s been teething a bit this past month. He’s been drooling like crazy and had a few fussy days. I bought a teether that goes in the fridge and a few that are soft to chew on. I’m glad I did because these have come in handy this past month. No teeth yet, though.

– He has begun to attempt to put his knees under his body to try to move! I have a feeling he’ll be crawling in no time! As he puts his knees under him, he pushes, but his core isn’t strong enough yet to get off of the floor. He’s also started to pull himself a little bit. I was folding laundry the other day and all of a sudden he was next to my folded laundry, it surprised me! I love watching him get stronger and closer to moving! (I’ll probably regret that statement later J)

– Noah has been loving books lately! I’m so excited about this. I hope that he loves reading as much as I do. We read everyday and he starts flapping his arms as soon as he sees a book! He loves books with bright primary colors. My mom gave him a book about trucks which really gets him excited!




