Month 1


This post is coming a month late (Whoops)!

Noah made incredible changes within the first month. When he first came home with us he was very fragile and really only slept and ate. Then by the end of the month he was making some eye contact and starting to coo! Around the end of his first month Noah started to notice the ceiling fan in our room, he would stare at it and coo, so cute! It is so exciting to see his development. It has been a very, very challenging month, but also very rewarding. It was challenging because of the late nights and getting up every couple hours. When I did sleep it was not very sound because I was trying to make sure I didn’t sleep through Noah making sounds. Yet this month was so very rewarding in seeing my confidence build as a mom and the knowledge I gained about taking care of a newborn. I have loved every single second of being a mom and getting to know my baby boy!


