Essentials For Teething

1. Sofie the Giraffe
Noah absolutely loved Sofie the giraffe! I love it too because the paint on her is food grade and you can feel good knowing that your little one is not ingesting something that can have negative effects. She is soft and pliable for little ones. Now that Noah is older though, he is not as into chewing. But when he first started getting teeth around 4 months old, Sofie was attach to me or Noah!

2. Teething Rings
Much like Sofie, teething rings offer a chewable toys for little ones when teething. I think that it takes some of the pressure off of their gums when they really bite down onto the rings. We chose ones that had no BPA or phalates. We bought these ones and they worked great! You can also put them into the fridge or freezer for a few minutes and the cold helps to sooth those gums!

3. Pacifier
Noah was never one to get attached to the pacifier, however, he did love chewing on the backs and sides of them. The entire pacifier was made up of the rubber material, making the whole pacifier soft and pliable. We bought these ones and again they have no BPA or Phatales.

4. Gum Oil
This oil has worked wonders! Even as Noah is getting his molars, this oil helps to numb the area of the gums that are hurting. It doesn’t completely numb them but it helps to relieve the pain. I would highly recommend this oil. Noah’s pediatrician recommended that we try not to give him Tylenol or Motrin unless he really, really is hurting. So when we went looking for an alternative, this was a great find! But, be forewarned this oil tastes awful. Have you ever tried Kick-Ass-Immune? If you have, it tastes similar. I feel awful that he has to taste it so often. But it really does work and now that he’s had it more and more, he doesn’t get upset when we rub it on his gums. We bought it at Natural Grocers.

5. Popsicle Molds (One ounce)
Popsicle molds are great to have on hand when your little one is teething! I make Noah smoothie pops, and he slurps them up! They really are delicious! Blend fresh or frozen fruit, whatever I have on hand. As of lately it’s been coconut water, strawberries, mango and kale. So, so good! And the best part is it helps dull the pain on his poor little gums when he’s having a rough day. I bought these ones from Amazon. They are only one ounce, but I don’t feel that he needs anymore then that at one time.

6. Mesh feeders
I’ve mentioned mesh feeders before, and they are great to have on hand! If I haven’t made any popsicles for Noah, I’ll put an ice cube in the mesh feeder and give it to him to suck on. It does the same thing as the popsicle, dulls the pain.

7. Go for a walk
Sometimes Noah just needs a distraction from his teething. If he’s having a particularly hard day, I’ll put a little bit of the oil on his teeth and off we go. I wouldn’t suggest going to the store (trust me ☺) but a walk around the neighborhood or to the park is a great distraction. I went grocery shopping one time when Noah was teething, thinking that once we got there he’d be okay. But he wasn’t. We barely made it out alive..haha! No, it wasn’t that bad, but I won’t do it again. I think it was too much of an over-load for him. But getting some fresh air does the trick every time. Although, I can’t promise they won’t be cranky once you get back home. But I always feel that if he can get some relief for an hour or so, it’s worth it!
(This picture was taken recently when we went to Dallas to visit some friends! Noah wasn’t teething, but it’s too cute not to share!)

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