6 Ways to Play with Baby During Month 2

  1. Making different noises- By talking to, singing to or just by making silly noises your baby should be listening to all the sounds around him. You can shake a rattle and see if he starts to look towards the noise. During month two Noah would be moving around on the ground but if he heard any noises from the norm he would become very still and listen. The noises should not be loud or scary but a little silly sound from mom or dad or the crinkling of paper will stimulate your baby!


  1. Feeling different textures- Run different textures along your babies forehead, arms and legs, you can even run them on the bottom of their feet and the palm of their hands. This will stimulate baby. There are so many different textures to feel! I wouldn’t suggest using anything rough or hard but any soft texture will do. I used soft toys, rags, velvet, anything you can find!


  1. Propped up sitting and talk to baby- During month 2 Noah started to really enjoy being propped up and looking around. I used the boppy to allow him to sit up and enjoy the world from a different perspective. While he was propped up I would talk to him, sing to him. Also, let him have some quiet time and just let him look around and observe. Just make sure to supervise because if they are moving a lot they can start to slide down.


  1. The swing- The swing is great way to play with baby! You can lightly push the baby in the swing or if you can an automatic one let the swing do the work. You can talk to your baby while their in the swing, play peek-a-boo or let them swing and observe.


  1. Tummy time- Tummy time is very important for babies to help develop gross motor skills. It does not have to be time spent on their stomachs on the floor, you can hold the baby up right in your arms, lay them across your lap or if you have an exercise ball they you can hold them in place on top of the ball. During the second month I tried to give Noah 30 to 60 minutes of tummy time each day. He was not a fan of laying on the floor for tummy time so I held him up right in my arms and we walked around the house, we went outside and we looked at each other in the mirrors. By the way seeing Noah smile at himself in the mirror is the cutest thing ever!


  1. Reading- I mentioned reading in month 1 too, but this month I started to show Noah the pictures in the books. At this age it’s best to use books that have real pictures and that do not have too many pictures on one page. This is where the board books come in handy. Use board books that have only a few pictures per page. By the end of the month Noah was reaching towards the pictures.
