Month 3


I have loved, loved, loved month number three! Each stage Noah begins, I have mixed emotions. I love each new experience that he has and I love watching him experience and take in new things. On the other hand I also feel a little sting because I cannot believe how fast it’s going. I mean, I have a 3 month old…really?! These three months have flown by, and I don’t know how I lived without him for so long. I feel so lucky I get to be his mom.

This month Noah has started to sleep three to four hours at a time, throughout the night. We even had one night that was five hours at a time, and it felt so good.

This month I noticed Noah preferred to be held upright instead of on his back, and he is seeing so much better. I can see him processing everything. He also likes to sit with the boppy when on the ground. This appears to help him see more. I have been showing him the pictures of some of the books I read to him, and he reaches out to touch the pictures in his color book. That is his favorite book right now. He stares at the green page for a good five minutes, and when I try to turn the page he starts to whimper. When I turn it back he is content to look at it more!


He is also talking away! Every day he talks and talks, and I either talk back or mimic his sounds to encourage him to talk back! He is starting to find different pitches in his voice; I have heard a few squeals and shrieks. He is so close to giggle, I can’t wait to hear it!

Noah has also found his hands this month; there has been a lot of snacking on his hands. It’s surprising how much of his hand he can fit into his mouth. This last week or two he has started to put just his fingers into his mouth too. Sometimes he even opens his hands while they are in his mouth and he ends up gagging himself; it’s pretty cute!

Noah also really surprised Anthony and I the other day. He was lying on his back, on the bed, while was Anthony talking to him, and he rolled to his side and then onto his stomach! We couldn’t believe it! I don’t know if it was just a one-time thing or if he will start to do it more. It sure surprised us! He has been rolling onto his side for a couple weeks but I didn’t think they rolled over to their stomachs for a couple more months.


Each day he learns more and interacts more. I’ve loved every stage so far and cannot wait to see what he does next. I can’t believe I got so lucky!

Noah 01

Noah 02



I hope everything has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

-Savanna 🙂

Month 2

PicMonkey Collage

Noah’s second month has been even greater than the first! We settled into a bit of routine and it’s nice to somewhat know what to expect from day-to-day. Noah has been sleeping about three hours at a time, throughout the night. It doesn’t seem like a long period of time, but it is so much nicer than an hour or two at a time.


During this second month we started to see him smile! I cannot even express how much joy this brings me. My heart melts into a puddle every time I see that gummy smile. I can’t handle the cuteness!

Noah talks to us more and more every day; a lot of cooing and mmmming sounds. He is also started to track and follow people more; as we walked by him or entered the room, he would follow us with his eyes.


Towards the end of the month he started to enjoy his mobile too! The first few times we put it on he didn’t seem to notice it but now he coo’s when we turn it on.

