Choosing the Right Birth Control

After visiting my doctor for my six-week postnatal check-up, the doc gave me the all clear. She said I healed perfectly and once again could start exercising. Yay!

While at the appointment, she asked about birth control and if we needed any. When I told her we use a natural birth control called, Neem Leaf, she seemed confused. She had never heard of it before. This is the third doctor that I’ve told about Neem Leaf and they all seemed so confused about why we use a natural birth control rather then a prescribed birth control. But to me it’s a no-brainer!

Years ago when I first starting taking prescribed birth control, I went through many different types, looking for one that didn’t give me miserable side effects, such as: weight gain, nausea, dizziness, the list goes on and on. I tried every birth control that my doctor had to offer, and all of them made me sick in one way or another. Thatis when I decided to look into a homeopathic birth control. At the time I didn’t even know that such things existed, but I knew I had to try something different. I didn’t want to live my life in a think fog with so many side effects. Those were the effects that I could physically feel, what else was it doing to my body?!

After searching the Internet, I came upon information on neem leaf and I decided to hunt it down to give it a try. I found it at a local homeopathic store and started taking it. From the moment I took it I never felt one side effect. The saleslady told me that I could take this and my partner could too or just one of us could take. I loved the flexibility with this birth control and best of all, NO SIDE EFFECTS! Prescribed birth control can have harsh reactions to each individual, it didn’t work for me and I chose to investigate my options and I am so glad I did!