Noah Month 6



This month has been the movement month!! It’s so fun, watching Noah accomplish milestones. This month he has gone from rolling around the living room, to army crawling, to crawling on his hands and knees, and now he’s even pulling himself up onto furniture. I’m excited to see how long it takes him to walk!

Even though I love the movement, I also am very tired! Chasing around a little one can be exhausting! I used to be able to workout with him on the floor playing with toys, but now I can’t accomplish this since he doesn’t stay in one place for long.

-Sleep: ah sleep…yep still not happening! I wrote a post on my experience with sleep training fails! He is waking up quite a few times throughout the night and doesn’t like to sleep in his crib (day or night). I’m not too sure what our next game plan is for tackling sleep issues, but I’m exhausted. It’s hard not being able to get any time with him in his crib. He used to sleep in his crib for naps throughout the day more often but recently it’s not at all. When I put him in there, he’ll some times wake up right away, or he’ll sleep for 5-10 minutes then wake up. We also had to lower his mattress since he can pull himself up. We didn’t want him falling out!

-Eating: this boy loves to eat! He will eat pretty much anything we give him! I cut up some bananas slices and put it on his tray but he couldn’t pick them up. So I put them into the mesh feeder and he loved it! This allows him to feed himself without making a gigantic mess.

-Talking: I love sweet little baby noises! Noah is constantly making noise and talking to us! I keep telling him that I’m his mama when he says “mama”. While he can say “mama” it is not any relation to me, yet.

-Laughing: Oh how I love his little baby laugh! He used to laugh a little bit if we tickled his tummy but now he’s laughing much more. Malakhai and I were playing with a toy while Noah was in his jumper, and he loved watching us play! He got a huge belly laugh!

-In the last week of month 6 for Noah he started bopping to music. It is adorable!!!! At first I thought it was just a fluke, but he did it the next time we played music! I love seeing his little personality come through (can you tell I love him, just a little bit).

Things he is loving this month:

  • Eating
  • Crawling
  • Malakahi (Even though Malakhai doesn’t feel the same way)
  • Musical instruments (We have bongo drums and a music chair that he’s been loving this month.)
  • Feeling different textures (He scratches at everything. He has to check out the feel and then he decides if he likes the item)
  • Standing up


  • Putting on clothes
  • Changing his diaper
  • His crib
  • Waiting for his food to heat up






Sorry, I slacked on his monthly posts lately! Noah is currently 8 months old! I’ll be sure to post his 7 month update soon!


Noah Month 5


I say this every month, but every month gets better and better! I love watching Noah’s curiosity about the world around him and his personality come through.

-This month Noah has been moving, moving, moving! He can roll over from his back to tummy and tummy to back. He rolls around the living room floor and can get from one side to the other very quickly. He can get up on all fours and rock back and forth, but no crawling just yet. Though he has been doing lots of downward-dogs and planks!


-Food: This kid LOVES food! Anything we give him, he inhales it! I love that he is not picky. (I am a very picky eater) I hope that we can continue to give him more foods that he will love and not be picky about his food. He tends to prefer vegetables to fruit. Cauliflower being his favorite!


-Noah has been talking up a storm this month as well. He is babbling and can put two syllables together. He talks to himself and we have very lengthy conversations together. I love it!

-He has been blowing raspberries like crazy! It’s so cute—Except when he blows raspberries with food in his mouth. Then food goes all over his face, his highchair, and me. That is not so fun, but he’s still so cute. J

-He is taken interest in Malakhai this month. He rolls over to him and tries to touch him. Malakhai on the other hand has no interest in him. When Noah comes over he moves to a different side of the room. But I love that Noah is interested in him and it is the cutest thing to see Noah get a huge gummy smile on his face when Malakhai walks by.

-Lately, Noah has been showing us when he is mad or doesn’t want something. He sticks his arms out straight and has his hands in fists and makes a duck-face and makes a mad noise. I haven’t been able to catch a picture thus far. But he gets upset when you don’t feed him fast enough or when you take away a toy he’s playing with before food. Even though he is mad, I can’t help but smile. He’s just so dang cute. J When he’s excited he puts his arms up and puts his hands into fists and lifts them up and down.

-Sleeping…What sleep?! Noah has decided he doesn’t like to sleep and doesn’t like his crib. We’ve been getting up every couples hours. We are exhausted, I’d like to write a post about sleep later but for now….I’m too tired-HA!


(*Noah is currently 6 months old. I like to write these posts a month later so I can say what he’s done throughout the month.)