Fun Ways to Play with Empty Tissue Boxes

My mom brought over to empty tissues boxes for Noah to play with the other day. It’s been so fun coming up with some different ways to play with them!  This is great (cheap) entertainment for little ones!

Here’s what I came up with :
-Put scarves in the tissue box and let them take out the scarves
-Use them as drums
-Put mystery items in there and let them pick them out
-Put musical instruments (bells) in there and shake them








Can you think if anything else to do with tissue boxes?

By the way, Noah thinks it’s very fun to pull out tissues from the box. But Mommy doesn’t think that’s so fun!


Edible Finger Paints

One of my favorite things to do with Noah is creating fun sensory messes! Ha! This fun and easy Fingerpaints experience is a great way for your little one to discover new  or different textures. Noah puts just about everything in his mouth. I once tried finger paints that I bought from the store and it was a disaster. He kept putting them into his mouth and would get upset with me when I told him no thank you. So I looked to pinterest to find an easy make yourself finger paints. I found some Fingerpaints that you make out of corn starch but I still didn’t want him eating food dyes. Then my mom suggested using pudding to paint with, however with Noahs dairy allergy I didn’t want him to consume any. But I started thinking about foods I could use to paint with. I thought blueberries, strawberries and bananas would be perfect!

What you’ll need :
– Fruit (and that you have on hand. I used blueberries, strawberries and bananas)
-Mat for the floor
-Paint brushes (optional)
-card stock (white works best)












This will be messy but it’s so easy and fun! Just blend up fruits, put into a bowl and let your little one explore! Have fun!


Easy DIY Oatmeal Sensory Bin

Hello! Wow, its been awhile since I last blogged. Life has gotten busy and I’ve had no time to sit down and write. But today I’ve got a simple sensory bin for babies who are 8 months or older. Or for babies who can sit unassisted.

I’ve been trying to think of some things to do with Noah when it’s rainy or too hot to go outside. But he’s still at the stage where everything goes in the mouth. I knew I wanted to create a sensory bin for him, so I looked through the kitchen cabinets to see what I could find. I saw the oatmeal and knew it would be perfect!

Just as a warning this is a messy project. Oatmeal will get all over your little one and the floor. But that’s whats fun about it! (I can just see my mother cringing at this mess! Sorry mom! :D).

What you’ll need :
-Oatmeal (enough to create about an inch deep in your bin)
-Plastic bin
-Tools to play with the oatmeal

For the tools is really up to you! I took out some measuring cups and spoons. For older kids you could put in small manipulatives, such as buttons, small animals, etc.



If your little one is hesitant, try playing with the oatmeal yourself. It’s okay if you show them how to play at first. Show them how to pour the oatmeal from the measuring cups. Or how to swirl it in your hands! Have fun with it!




Malakhai enjoyed the pieces that came out of the bin!



Try pouring the oatmeal over their feet and legs. This helps them to become aware of those areas and provides them with new textures!


Noah pouring the oatmeal. 


Tasting the oatmeal. Mmmmm!



Helping cleaning up! This is a messy but fun sensory bin!

I hope you had some messy fun with your little one!
