Noah Month 5


I say this every month, but every month gets better and better! I love watching Noah’s curiosity about the world around him and his personality come through.

-This month Noah has been moving, moving, moving! He can roll over from his back to tummy and tummy to back. He rolls around the living room floor and can get from one side to the other very quickly. He can get up on all fours and rock back and forth, but no crawling just yet. Though he has been doing lots of downward-dogs and planks!


-Food: This kid LOVES food! Anything we give him, he inhales it! I love that he is not picky. (I am a very picky eater) I hope that we can continue to give him more foods that he will love and not be picky about his food. He tends to prefer vegetables to fruit. Cauliflower being his favorite!


-Noah has been talking up a storm this month as well. He is babbling and can put two syllables together. He talks to himself and we have very lengthy conversations together. I love it!

-He has been blowing raspberries like crazy! It’s so cute—Except when he blows raspberries with food in his mouth. Then food goes all over his face, his highchair, and me. That is not so fun, but he’s still so cute. J

-He is taken interest in Malakhai this month. He rolls over to him and tries to touch him. Malakhai on the other hand has no interest in him. When Noah comes over he moves to a different side of the room. But I love that Noah is interested in him and it is the cutest thing to see Noah get a huge gummy smile on his face when Malakhai walks by.

-Lately, Noah has been showing us when he is mad or doesn’t want something. He sticks his arms out straight and has his hands in fists and makes a duck-face and makes a mad noise. I haven’t been able to catch a picture thus far. But he gets upset when you don’t feed him fast enough or when you take away a toy he’s playing with before food. Even though he is mad, I can’t help but smile. He’s just so dang cute. J When he’s excited he puts his arms up and puts his hands into fists and lifts them up and down.

-Sleeping…What sleep?! Noah has decided he doesn’t like to sleep and doesn’t like his crib. We’ve been getting up every couples hours. We are exhausted, I’d like to write a post about sleep later but for now….I’m too tired-HA!


(*Noah is currently 6 months old. I like to write these posts a month later so I can say what he’s done throughout the month.)

5 Ways to Play With Baby Through Month 3 & 4

Month 3 and 4 have so fun with Noah! So much is happening developmentally through these two months. There are a lot of fun games to play with your baby that don’t cost a thing!

Here are a few games I played with Noah during his 3rd and 4th month:

Peek-a-boo: This is a great game to play! It’s so fun watching their faces light up as you come back into view. You can make it more fun by covering your face with a small blanket. I would also vary the game by placing my hands in front of Noah’s face and saying “Where’s Noah?!” His gummy grins make my heart swell when playing this game!

Whose That in The Mirror?: This is such a fun and simple game to play! I love showing Noah is reflection in the mirror. He gets a shy smile when looking at himself! I would also make funny faces at him through the mirror and he would giggle and smile, so cute!

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Talking: I love talking to Noah and he is starting to be a little chatter box! I talk to him about everything I’m doing. Sometimes when he’s playing on the floor and talking I’ll mimic his babble. I let him talk, then I mimic his sounds and give him time to reply. This is the beginnings of conversations for babies! I could play this game with him for hours it’s so fun!

Listening to Music: We listen to all different types of music throughout the day. I love Baby Einstein channel on Pandora, they play a variety of different music. We’ve listened to Disney music, reggae, classical music and nursery rhymes all on this channel.

Reading Books: We read books multiple times per day! Noah loves to gum at the books and will pat at the pictures. Books with real photographs are best at this age! Especially books that don’t have a lot of backgrounds, just a picture is great. This allows baby to focus on one object.


I love that there are ways to play with my baby that have little or no props. Sometimes it’s nice to put away all of the toys and get back to the basics with our babies! All of these activities are helping your child to hit those major milestones in life!

Foodie Friday: Chocolate Chip Cookies!

It’s time for another Foodie Friday! This time I have a perfect sweet treat: chocolate chip cookies.

Mix together butter, shortening and both sugars.


Add eggs, vanilla and hot water



In a separate bowl mix together flour, baking soda and salt and add to mixture. Then add chocolate chips.


For this batch I made half with chocolate chips and half with sprinkles. I did the sprinkles because my dad and I cannot have chocolate. You could substitute the chocolate chips for carob chips too.



Roll dough into balls and put in the oven!




Chocolate Chip Cookies”

1/2 cup butter, softened

1/2 cup vegetable shortening (If you do not have any shortening on-hand or don’t want to use shortening, you can substitute butter)

3/4 cup sugar

3/4 cup brown sugar, packed

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 tsp. hot water

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

1 cup chocolate chips

Bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes. Let cool on a cooling rack.

I hope you enjoy!!

Favorite Products for Month 3 & 4

The following are some of the products I have been loving for Noah over the past couple months!

Exercise Ball: This ball has really helped calm Noah down. There are times when he is fussy, or tired, or teething, and he can’t calm himself down. We sit on the ball with Noah in our arms and it calms him right down!


Teethers: Noah has really enjoyed using these teethers this month. It offers a soft toy to chew on. I bought them through Whole Foods and I feel good knowing that I am offering Noah a toy that I know has no harmful chemicals in it.


Sofie the Giraffie: I got this as a baby shower gift from my sister-in-law and it is awesome! It is also a teether that has no harmful chemicals. Noah plays with Sofie multiple times per day!


Bouncer: This has been great these past two months. I put him in while I shower and he is content the whole time. He has finally figured out that if he moves his legs, he bounces more and more in the chair. We also do his feeding in here (although soon we’ll get a highchair!) Last month, I suggested the swing, but Noah has been more into this chair for the past two months than the swing.


We have also still been using the K’Tan, the Fan, and the books that I suggested from the last month!

Dear 2015

Dear 2015,

You have a lot to live up to. 2014 was one of the busiest and best years of my life.

First, I started my dream job teaching preschool in a school district I loved.

Second, I started on my master’s degree in Early Childhood Special Education.

Third, two months into my dream job I found out I was pregnant!

Fourth, My husband and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary!

Fifth, I decided to resign from my job to stay home with our baby.

That is so much to start in one year. But, best of all, I got to meet my sweet little guy, Noah. Even through all the sleepless nights, 2014 put me through (School and a new baby) I wouldn’t want a single thing to change about 2014. So 2015, you have to bring your A game because it’s going to take a lot to live up to 2014 and I can’t wait!

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