Choosing the Right Birth Control

After visiting my doctor for my six-week postnatal check-up, the doc gave me the all clear. She said I healed perfectly and once again could start exercising. Yay!

While at the appointment, she asked about birth control and if we needed any. When I told her we use a natural birth control called, Neem Leaf, she seemed confused. She had never heard of it before. This is the third doctor that I’ve told about Neem Leaf and they all seemed so confused about why we use a natural birth control rather then a prescribed birth control. But to me it’s a no-brainer!

Years ago when I first starting taking prescribed birth control, I went through many different types, looking for one that didn’t give me miserable side effects, such as: weight gain, nausea, dizziness, the list goes on and on. I tried every birth control that my doctor had to offer, and all of them made me sick in one way or another. Thatis when I decided to look into a homeopathic birth control. At the time I didn’t even know that such things existed, but I knew I had to try something different. I didn’t want to live my life in a think fog with so many side effects. Those were the effects that I could physically feel, what else was it doing to my body?!

After searching the Internet, I came upon information on neem leaf and I decided to hunt it down to give it a try. I found it at a local homeopathic store and started taking it. From the moment I took it I never felt one side effect. The saleslady told me that I could take this and my partner could too or just one of us could take. I loved the flexibility with this birth control and best of all, NO SIDE EFFECTS! Prescribed birth control can have harsh reactions to each individual, it didn’t work for me and I chose to investigate my options and I am so glad I did!

Birth Story: Part 2

For the next couple hours I labored with the help of the nurse and my husband; who was my rock during the entire experience. At the beginning, I changed positions a few times, but nothing really eased the pain until I went and sat on the toilet. Experiencing contractions made things a little more bearable. I also understood that gravity would help encourage my baby to come out rather then laying on the bed.

From time to time, the nurse would ask if I wanted to move from the bathroom; for a while my answer was always no. At one point, the nurse told me that I could not have the baby on the toilet, and that I needed to move back out to the bed. This way she could check how far along I was. I guess I had been in there a while! Once I went back to the bed, she informed me that I was about 8cm dilated and 100% effaced. By this time it was about 7:00 a.m.; about 4 hours into the labor. The nurse left the room for a while and when she returned, she informed us that a new nurse was going to come in and take over. At first I was really disappointed because the nurse we had was amazing, but it turned out the second nurse was just as good. She really helped me during the really tough contractions that I did not think I could make it through.

By this point I still had taken no medications and I became determined to make it through without taking any. I was more afraid of the needle from the epidural, than the pain of the contractions. I moaned in pain as each contraction took over my body. Anthony kept reminding me to breath and told me how I should breathe. He also made sure I had water in-between each contraction. This really helped during each contraction; listening to his voice, got me through each painful contraction. At one point, I looked at Anthony and told him “I can’t do this anymore”. It hurt a great deal and I was exhausted, but Anthony never skipped a beat. He told me that each contraction I had was over, and I would never have to have experience that one again. He also constantly reminded me that, as a result of the contractions, I was bringing our baby into the world. He brought me back into motion, and I am so thankful that it was him by my side.

The nurse, informed me to tell her when my contractions started to feel different. This sounded confusing to me. How would I know? I asked her how I would know when they feel different, and she ensured me that I would know. I thought she was crazy. I thought to myself, “I am in a crazy amount of pain and you want me to feel my contractions to tell you if they feel different?!” However, about an hour or so after, this contraction felt different. I cannot really explain it. The first contractions were painful, but I knew the baby was not coming out. But when this one came over me, my body I started to feel, what I think was the baby’s head. I told the nurse and she checked me, and with a gigantic smile, she said “you are 10cm dilated and 100% effaced” and I could start pushing! By this point, I had been contracting for about 5 hours. I looked at Anthony, and we both knew, this was it. We were about to meet our baby!

When I started pushing, the nurse had told me that it would feel good; that I could use the contractions to my advantage at this point. Boy, was she wrong. Pushing did not feel good; they hurt. They hurt worse then anything I could have imagined. I pushed for what seemed like days, and the pain oftentimes became too much for me. I no longer wanted to push. It hurt, I was tired, and I felt like I was never going to meet our baby. The nurse told me that I had to keep pushing in order to meet our baby. The doctor came in and checked to see how I was coming along, but she informed me that I was not quite far enough for her to stay. Then all at once I remembered we longed to find out what the sex of our baby was! This gave me a second wind, and really motivated me to push my hardest. Two hours after I started pushing, our baby made its entrance into the world! The doctor let Anthony announce the sex and he called it out, “it’s a boy!” The moment I saw him, I was in love. I was crying, telling him how much I love him, and saying, “you’re finally here! In my arms!” I looked over to see Anthony crying too. I could have never asked for a better birth, and a better support partner to help me through. I still cannot believe I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy. And I did it all without medication. I am so proud of my body and what it is capable of! All of the fear and worrying was washed away when I held my baby in my arms for the first time.


I hope that, if you are reading this, and feeling scared about labor, that you could find some inspiration in my experience. You can do it. Our bodies were built for giving birth to our babies. Be proud of yourself, your body works hard for nine months to create another human, and now it is time to meet your baby!


Baby Food Made Easy!

This weekend we went to the farmers market to buy some local organic produce that I could make into baby food. I’ve always known that I wanted to make my own food and we also wanted to support our local community. We will be starting to introduce stage 1 food in a couple months and I thought I’d get a head start on making his food. My mom bought me a great book about making your own baby food. It has week-by-week menu’s and it also gives easy recipes of each stage of food. The book is called, Feed Your Baby Day by Day, I suggest you check it out!


I bought a bag of imperfect apples which was half the cost and all the apples were in really good shape. A few had bruises here and there but they don’t have to look perfect when we’re going to cut them up and make them into baby food!

First, start with two medium apples.


Take out the core and peel apples.


Chop the apples into small pieces to steam.


In a medium saucepan bring the water to a boil and add the chopped apples into the streamer.


Steam for 7 to 9 minutes or until soft

Next take out the apples and reserve 1/2 cup of the boiled water to add. Let the apples and water cool slightly.

Once cooled put the apples and 1/2 cup water into a blender. I use the Baby Bullet to blend mine!


Blend until apples are smooth


Then put the blended apples into containers. I’ve used different storage containers to freeze. You could use baby food jars, small mason jars, or use ice cube trays. I used the tray that came with the baby bullet. Once they are frozen I transfer them into plastic bags for later use. Make sure to label your bags or containers that way you will use the oldest foods first.


This is a quick and healthy way to make food for your baby!

Birth Story: Part 1

Before I gave birth to Noah, I would explore Pinterest for hours reading any birth story I could find. I thought if I read other peoples experiences, I would be better prepared for anything that occurred during my birthing experience. In some ways it helped me, but in other ways the stories scared me to death. While reading the many stories I found, I was inspired by so many women who had gone through birth without medication. This was what I intended to do, but there were a few stories where the birthing process didn’t go very well. After reading those stories I was completely terrified of giving birth. But each story that I read was a unique experience and I hope that by sharing my experiences I can help other mothers-to-be too!

First of all, the pain…

I read (somewhere) that a women giving birth feels the same pain as being burned alive. I don’t know about you, but I pretty much curl into a ball of pain when I barely burn my finger on the stove! How could I ever give birth to a baby when it felt like I was being burned alive?!

Secondly, I was terrified of what type of mother I was going to be. Would I be a good mother to this baby? How would I handle different situations that would come up? The list of unanswered questions went on and on. The more time passed, the more terrified I became.

My due date came and went with no signs of the baby coming. I was sad and a little relieved. I was sad because I desperately wanted to meet our baby but relieved because that meant one more day I didn’t have to know what it was like to experience being “burned alive”! Then one day, I suddenly felt ready. I’m not sure what switched in me, but I was ready for the baby to come out. I didn’t feel scared anymore. I then knew it was almost time for baby to join us! The next day my mom came over to my house to be on “labor watch” since I was nine days overdue. I felt crabby, irritated, and I had no energy. Basically, I laid on the couch for most of the day. But still no signs of labor! I went to bed feeling normal, but I woke up about 2:45 a.m. feeling weird. I went to the bathroom and came back to bed and didn’t think much of it. But, I couldn’t go back to sleep. Suddenly, I felt my water breaking and trickling down. I stood up and it literally gushed out! I yelled at Anthony to wake up as I waddled to the bathroom in attempt to not get the floor too wet.

Which didn’t work at all!

Anthony and I had made a plan, with my parents, that when I went into labor, they would come get Malakhai (aka our first born fur-baby!). Anthony called them and they rushed over to get him. Our plan was to wait for them to arrive and then leave for the hospital. It only took them about ten minutes to arrive, but by the time they showed up, my contractions were three minutes apart! At this point, I thought I would have felt scared about the pain, but I went into “labor mode” and it was as if I were in a different place. I wasn’t thinking about anything except meeting our baby!

Finally, we get to the hospital. And since it was in the middle of the night, we had to enter through the emergency entrance. The nurse there would not allow me walk to the labor ward even though I felt like I could make it. By the time we went through the doors of the labor ward, the nurses were ready for us! We went into a small room and they asked me to change into a gown so they could check how far dilated I was. They phoned the on-call doctor who said I would have to be pretty far along to be admitted into a birthing room since at my last check up I was 4cm dilated and 90% effaced. When the nurse checked me I was 6cm dilated and almost 100% effaced! I was getting really excited, but that’s only because my contractions were at this point not all that painful.

The nurse offered to wheel me to the birthing room but I chose to walk because I knew gravity was my friend and I was ready for this baby to come out! I had to stop a couple times in the hallway during my contractions and this was when they really started to rev up! The contractions were no longer a strong cramping feeling, they were now full on pain. But I worked through each one and finally made it to the birthing room.

Pregnancy Tracker

How far along – 34 weeks!
Baby size of: The baby is the size of a butternut squash!
Favorite moment this week: Baby is getting stronger and some of the kicks hurt! We’re so close I can hardly stand it!
Miss Anything: nope
Movement: Lots of baby kicks 🙂
Food cravings: Mexican food in general is amazing at the moment!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: We are waiting to find out the gender until baby is born!
Belly Button in or out: Half in, half out
Exercise: Walking
Sleep: Not so great. Waking up all the time because I have to pee or I’m uncomfortable and the heat is making me cranky 🙂
Looking forward to: Getting to meet our little one and having Malakhai, our dog meet baby!

How far along – 24 weeks!!!!
Baby size of: The baby is the size of a melon, whoa!
Favorite moment this week: Baby is getting stronger and more active. I feel kicks all the time! I’m so in love!
Miss Anything: nope
Movement: Lots of baby kicks 🙂
Food cravings: Mexican food in general is amazing at the moment!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: We are waiting to find out the gender until baby is born!
Belly Button in or out: In, but getting close to being out
Exercise: Walking and finally getting to do some pilates
Sleep: Getting better, I don’t have to pee so much!
Looking forward to: Daddy being able to feel the kicks, I think it will be soon!!!

How far along20 weeks!!!!
Baby size of: The baby is the size of a banana!
Favorite moment this week: Feeling the baby kick, or at least I think it was kicking! I could feel flutters and small taps from baby!
Miss Anything: nope
Movement: Felt some flutters and taps!
Food cravings: As of lately, taco’s are AMAZING!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: We are waiting to find out the gender until baby is born!
Belly Button in or out: In
Exercise: Walking
Sleep: Getting better, I don’t have to pee so much!
Looking forward to: Getting bigger and meeting our baby!

How far along17 weeks
Baby size of: The baby is the size of an onion!
Favorite moment this week: My bump is growing! And Anthony kissing the baby goodnight!
Miss Anything: Coffee!
Movement: Not yet, I hope soon!
Food cravings: As of lately, taco’s are AMAZING!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: We are waiting to find out the gender until baby is born!
Belly Button in or out: In
Exercise: Walking
Sleep: Getting better, I don’t have to pee so much!
Looking forward to: Feeling the baby move and kick!

How far along – 12 weeks
Baby size of: The baby is the size of a plum! Wow! The baby can open and close it’s fingers and toes and the brain is developing very quickly!
Favorite moment this week: I have a barely there baby bump!
Miss Anything: Coffee!
Movement: No
Food cravings: I’m still craving blueberries, just can’t get enough!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: A little 🙂
Gender: We are waiting to find out the gender until baby is born!
Belly Button in or out: In
Exercise: Now that I have more energy I’ve started to be able to exercise again! Right now I’m into my prenatal pilates!
Sleep: I have to pee many times a night, so not so great!
Looking forward to: Getting out of the First trimester and into the Second!

How far along11 weeks
Baby size of: A thumb & can swallow & KICK! My uterus is about the size of a grapefruit and baby is the size of a lime!
Favorite moment this week: Being able to tell everyone our wonderful news!
Miss Anything: No
Movement: No
Food cravings: I’m craving blueberries!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I feel nauseous every so often, but pretty great so far!
Have you started to show yet: Nope
Gender: We are waiting to find out the gender until baby is born!
Belly Button in or out: In
Exercise: Some yoga
Sleep: I have to pee many times a night, so not so great!
Looking forward to: Getting out of the First trimester and into the Second!

Getting Pregnant: High’s and Low’s


Deciding we were ready to have a baby was one of the most life altering decisions we had made as a couple. We both knew we wanted to have kids, but the question was, when? Anthony and I had many conversations over the years about the timing of having a baby. We both had recently graduated college and were just starting our careers. I always thought that I would continue working after we had a baby, but I kept asking myself if I really could be away from our child every day. We also, lived in a cute little cottage that barely had enough room for our couch and a bed, how could we fit a baby in there? We decided to take it easy and we would both know when we felt ready. We did, however, know that we were ready to move out of our little cottage into a bigger house that could fit the family we wanted. We put the cottage up for sale and were confident that we would sell the cottage quickly, buy a new house, and then we would be ready to have a baby. However, our house was on the market and there were barely any buyers viewing our house! Time went on and the want for a baby became stronger and stronger. Finally, we made the courageous decision to start trying for a baby before our cottage sold. Now, if you know me, you know I have to have a plan. Even if I change that plan, that’s okay, but a plan is how I stay sane! I was nervous about trying to conceive because it was not what we had originally planned, but my deep down want for a baby became stronger.

So the time came and we began trying. We were excited, scared, nervous, and happy, all at the same time. I happily bought a box of pregnancy tests ready for the first month to be over because I just knew we were going to have no trouble getting pregnant. However, sometimes life doesn’t work out according to my plan. I got my period right on time; I was so disappointed, I cried for at least three nights. How could we not get pregnant, we are both young and healthy? Finally, I had a pep-talk with myself, that next month would be the month. I had read that takes some couples a while to get pregnant. So next month, yep, next month. This went on for the next ten months. Each month I became sadder and started to become hopeless. Talking about it with my friends and family didn’t make it any better. Nothing really did. I couldn’t believe we still were not pregnant. We tried many different techniques that might have increased our chances. I took my basil temperature, stopped drinking coffee and alcohol, and ate foods that were suppose to increase fertility in women. Finally, Anthony and I decided to go see the gynecologist and see what our options were or if there was something preventing us from getting pregnant.

Our doctor told us that it can take couples years to get pregnant. He gave us all the medical options: fertility increasing drugs, IVF, and having sperm tests done. We left the doctors office feeling worse then when we came in. We did not want to take drugs to get pregnant. Anthony and I sat down and discussed what the doctor said. Finally, we decided to stop actively trying to conceive for a while and get back to our day-to-day life.

We were constantly waiting for our life to start when it was happening around us.

I also felt, emotionally, that I needed to take a break and just simply be. In the mean time, our cottage sold. FINALLY! Suddenly, I felt rejuvenated! Things were looking up, we might actually get into a family home! One month later we purchased our dream home and during that time I had recovered from the emotional up’s and down’s of trying to conceive. I felt deep down in my soul, we could conceive a child without taking the drugs. I just had to be patient and go with the flow, against my typical reaction; to plan it out.

Then in late October I began to feel off, not sick or anything, but off. I had a gut feeling that I could be pregnant but I was reserved since I had been disappointed before. I stopped at Walgreens on the way home and I sat in the parking lot for a good five minutes trying to decide if I should buy a test or not. Finally, I walked in and nervously bought a test. When I got home I went straight to the bathroom and took the test. I anxiously waited for the two minutes to pass. I took a deep breath and looked down to see those two pink lines! I was in shock I didn’t believe it, were we really pregnant?! Anthony hadn’t come home yet, so I got a gift bag and tissue paper and wrapped up the test to give to him when he got home. I practically pounced on him when he got home. I’ll never forget his wary look when I handed him the gift bag, he took out the test looked at me and with the biggest grin I’ve ever seen said, “holy shit. holy shit! holy shit!!” It was truly one of the happiest moments of my life. All those months of trying. The disappointment began to melt away. Finally I said to myself, finally “we’re having a baby!!”


Trying to conceive, has been one of the most challenging and rewarding times in my life. Our struggle is nothing compared to some people, yet it was still a struggle. I think we all just have to look deep down within ourselves and trust our intuitions. We conceived naturally and it was what I knew we could all along. I just needed a few reminders here and there.